Work packages leading:
WP3: Conflict, migration and virus spread
Work packages involved in:
WP3: Conflict, migration and virus spread
SIVtro Veterinari Senza Frontiere Italia – Veterinarians Without Borders Italy
Doctor in Veterinary Medicine, PhD Veterinary Science
Tel: 0039 3200151510
Email: ;
DEFEND role: Work Package Leader for WP3
Dr. Giorgia Angeloni is President in charge Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International and Vice-President of VSF Italy. Moreover, she is a researcher at Istituto Zooprofilattico delle Venezie at the Research and International Cooperation Office.
She is a veterinarian, expert on infectious diseases and veterinary international cooperation. Since 2009 she carried out research and field experience on infectious diseases, focusing her activity in developing countries.
She has gained a wide experience in management of zoonotic infectious diseases(HEV, Rabies, AI, SI, RVF, bTB and vector-borne diseases) in different geographical and cultural contests. In the last years she has been involved in several cooperation projects as an expert on infectious diseases and Public Health in North-West Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania) and in Balkans for VSF-Italy, Africa70 and UE. During her activities she performs surveillance plans, epidemiological studies (including participatory approach), awareness campaigns and creation of communication tools like flyers, manuals, etc.
Giorgia has a PhD in Veterinary Science (National Health Institute in Rome), a Master in International Veterinary Cooperation (University of Padua) and a 3-years Specialisation School on Animal Health, Livestock and Animal Production (University of Camerino). Thanks to her intensive work life she has extensive collaborative links with Italian public veterinary services (IIZZSS, ISS) and universities.