Work packages leading:
WP3: Conflict, migration and virus spread
Work packages involved in:
WP3: Conflict, migration and virus spread
European University Institute
Research associate
Tel: +39 3342422187
DEFEND role: Vice-coordinator of WP3
Michele Nori is a Tropical Agronomist with a further specialisation in Rural Sociology and a specific expertise on the livelihood systems of pastoral communities.
Through interfacing field practices, academic research and policy making levels, he has developed a ‘horizontal career’; this is based on more than 20 years’ of global collaborations with a number of organisations at different levels.
His concern has always been to work at the interfaces between different disciplines as well as between the field practice, academy and policy-making domains on matters related to sustainable agro-pastoral livelihoods and rural development.
He is currently involved with Prof. Ian Scoones from the Institute of Development Studies in elaborating and developing a project that links pastoralism to our society in a provocative way – ‘can we learn from pastoralists in managing risks, living with uncertainties and building resilience’ (