  • Work Package 8

  • WP8: Diagnostic tools for LSD

  • Work package objective: WP8

    The aim of this work package was to generate assays capable of detecting and characterising an immune response to lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV), then exploit these assays to develop diagnostic tests suitable for use in LSDV surveillance and eradication programmes in Europe and neighbouring countries.

  • WP8

Work package WP8: Aims

The aim of this work package was to generate assays capable of detecting and characterising an immune response to lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV), then exploit these assays to develop diagnostic tests suitable for use in LSDV surveillance and eradication programmes in Europe and neighbouring countries.

The first task carried out was a detailed analysis of the immune response of cattle to natural and experimental LSDV infection. The outputs from these fundamental studies were then incorporated into the second task, the development of novel and improved immuno-diagnostic tests for LSD in cattle. This task was facilitated by the experience of IDVet and The Pirbright Institute in ruminant immunology and diagnostic test development.