  • Work Package 5

  • WP5: Subclinical infection with lumpy skin disease virus

  • Work package objective: WP5

    The aim of work package 5 (WP5) was to better understand the impact of subclinical lumpy skin disease (LSD) on the epidemiology of the disease

  • WP5

Work package WP5: Achievements

Based upon the obtained data from this project combined with previous information, we obtained a clearer picture of what subclinical LSDV infected cattle are and how they are characterized by different laboratory tests. A potential role of subclinical infected animals was evidenced by showing that stable flies fed upon such animals could cause LSDV transmission.

In order to have a better idea of the risk posed by LSDV positive animal products, such as meat and hides, lab simulations of industrial / artisanal processes for the preparation of beef jerky, salami and leather production were put in place. This allowed us to evaluate the inactivation of LSDV or lack thereof during the different stages of these treatments. The impact of a bio-matrix on viral stability was clearly demonstrated, showing that any inactivation process needs to keep this in mind.